Core Technology

EdisBiotech, a company leading precision medicine
through biomarker-based therapeutic antibody development

Core Concept

Importance of new drug development based on clinically relevant biomarkers

Importance of new drug development based on clinically relevant biomarkersImportance of new drug development based on clinically relevant biomarkers

Core Technology

CTA (Clinical-based Target for Antibody Drug) Platform for Efficient Drug Development

CTA Platform

Innovative R&D through precise assessment of target indication

  • C Clinical Unmet Need Based
    New Drug Development

    Clinically Needed Drug

    • Pharmaceuticals Needed in Clinic
    • Preemptive Clinical Trial Design
    • Animal Studies that Mimic Clinical Trials
  • T Target Analysis Based
    on Clinical Diseases

    Therapeutic Target Selection

    • Target Discovery from Patient Tissues
    • Disease-Specific Target Analysis
    • Target Identification through Drug Responsiveness Prediction
  • A Antibody Development

    Antibody therapeutics

    • High Affinity & Selectivity for the Target
    • High Potency & Productivity
    • Monoclonal, Bispecific antibodies, ADCs
  • Biomarker-based diagnostics and therapeutics

  • Animal Studies that Mimic Clinical Trials

  • Clinical Trial monitoring biomarker changes



  • Market-Leading New Drug
  • Pipeline reinforcement
  • Global Competitiveness
  • Sustainable Growth

Top-tier rating in technology credit assessment

TI-2 level

Selection as a baby unicorn company
