Molecular imaging

Leading personalized treatment with biomarker-based antibody therapeutics

Molecular imaging

  • Visualizing image of biological structures and functions occurring within living organisms
  • The disease processes of living organisms can be quantified in a living environment.
  • New substances for diagnosis and treatment applied to clinical settings such as surgery and radiotherapy are actively progressing.

Development of Molecular imaging Substances

  • Enabling precise surgery by determining the extent of the cancer
  • Accurately imaging and removing peritoneal metastatic cancer
  • Accurately identifying cancer metastasized to the lymph nodes and other organs

Clin Cancer Res. 2016 June 15:22(12):2929-38.

Smart Convergent Endoscope

  • Molecular imaging device Visualizing and Quantifying Targets in the living organism
  • Possession of biomarker-based imaging technology and medical device manufacturing certification
  • Light Source for Endoscopy
  • Endoscope for medical use
  • Medical Imaging Device for Endoscopy
융복합 스마트 내시경

Key Achievements & Publications

  • Advanced
    Functional Materials

    Featured Cover Paper Published in January 2018

    주요 성과 학술 논문 발표
  • Advanced Science

    Featured Cover Paper Published in 2019

    주요 성과 학술 논문 발표

    Paper Published

    주요 성과 학술 논문 발표
  • Gastroenterology

    Paper Published

    주요 성과 학술 논문 발표